Data protection & privacy
Amazon Corporate&Immigration Services data protection and privacy team can advise local and multinational companies on all the aspects of confidentiality, storage security and information management, including:
- Drafting agreements on the processing, disclosure and confidentiality of the data.
- Investigating the controls over the collection, processing, storage, transfer and destruction of the data and provide legal assistance to comply with the regulatory requirements.
- Issuance of legal opinions on the data protection and e-commerce issues.
- Drafting and/or due diligence and analysis of the privacy policies.
- Assessment of the adequacy of the protection measures used by the company and insuring confidentiality when processing personal data.
- Legal advice regarding the processing of personal data in the context of employment and medical organizations and/or companies that process confidential data.
- Solving the issues with the content, terms and conditions related to the websites.
- Consulting on any other data security issues related to the personal mobile devices and CCTV’S installation.